High Precision Calibration
We improve the quality and safety of your products with high precision calibration in accordance with the ISO9001 and JISQ9001 standards.
An important part of our customer service is our maintenance program to ensure the quality and precision of our customers’ products. Safety, maintenance and management of the performance of the test and inspection equipment is of vital importance.
The calibration work of our testing and inspection equipment offers two types of “JCSS calibration (with MRA)”, “ISO / JIS calibration” and our company has adopted a JIS standard as internal regulation standard.
Name referred | Regulatory Compliance | Calibration method |
① uniaxial (tensile and compression) testing machine | JIS B 7721 | JCSS or JIS |
② Rockwell hardness tester (HRC) | JIS B 7726 | JCSS or JIS |
③ (including HRC non-superficial) Rockwell hardness testing machine | JIS B 7726 | JIS |
④ Brinell hardness testing machine | JIS B 7724 | JIS |
⑤ Vickers and micro Vickers hardness tester | JIS B 7725 | JIS |
⑥ Charpy impact test machine | JIS B 7722 | JIS |
⑦ extensometer (recorder) | JIS B 7741 | JIS |
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JCSS calibration [force] uniaxial testing machine (tensile and compression) calibration, [Hardness] Rockwell hardness tester (HRC)
JCSS calibration is designed to ensure the traceability of certification by a reliable measurement of technical capacity at national and international standards, and as a result the one-stop test will be accepted all around the world.
Calibrating the uniaxial testing machine and Rockwell hardness tester (HRC), it is possible to issue a traceable JCSS logo mark with a calibration certificate to national measurement standards for your company.
※ For more information, JNLA or JISC please visit the home page.
ISO / JIS calibration
Microsoft has adopted a mainly JIS standard Toshimashite internal regulations. In addition, the proposed calibration of non-JIS standards , have been implemented by us. After calibration a results report is available and other reports available include: a calibration certificate / verification report / tracer Byi Rithy Chart / used equipment certificate. For testing machine and measurement equipment where a calibration method has not been standardized, we perform a calibration based on the machines specification.
Fuji testing machine Works provisions
Name referred | Reference |
Creep testing machine | Force, etc. |
Fatigue testing machine | Force, length, cycle, etc. |
-Metal straight scale | JIS B 7516 |
· Calipers | JIS B 7507 |
·Micrometer | JIS B 7502 |
·Dial gauge | JIS B 7503 |
Cylinder gauge | JIS B 7515 |
· Height gauge | JIS B 7517 |
-Depth gauge | JIS B 7518 |
· Copper tape measure | JIS B 7512 |
- Fibrous tape measure | JIS B 7522 |
• The balance | JIS B 7611 |