0403 502 752 brian@fujitest.co

Power Meters


Annular spring-type force meter

Annular spring-type force meter

Annular spring-type force meter








This instrument is a load and inspection  material testing machine, calibration of the load cell, weight measurement, etc. all mass or force of load is applied to the structure or the load thereof, as for precision measurement of Newton, high accuracy, which is widely used, hysteresis It is of excellent elastic load test device.
Annular spring-type force-type (loop dynamometer) is the deflection amount of load applied to is read with high precision dial gauge, designed to measure the load, it is suitable primarily 500 kN, 50 tf the measurement of the following low load.


Volume type power meter

Volume type power meter

Volume type power meter

This unique shape with a parallel part has excellent hysteresis.
The Displacement (box) undergoes a volume change to the steel hollow cylinder. pushed towards the glass tube, which rotates the micrometer with the plunger and always mercury combined meniscus constant, intended to measure the load from the numerical value of the micrometer, it is suitable for measurement of primarily 500 kN, 50 tf or more of the load.


uniaxial testing machine

uniaxial testing machine

Amount of deflection of the rated capacity There are about 20 times as compared to the typical load cells by the shape of the spring type.
(Large deformation type only)


-00, 0.5 grade corresponding –  AC adapter, battery drive correspondence – load direction: compression only
